Le ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères signe un nouveau contrat d’objectifs avec CFI, filiale de France Médias Monde

The Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs signs a new contract of agreed objectives with CFI, a subsidiary of France Médias Monde

Mrs. Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Secretary of State to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, with responsibility for Development and International Partnerships, and Thierry Vallat, CEO of Canal France International (CFI), signed a new five-year (2024-2028) contract of agreed objectives on Saturday 20 July, in the presence of Mrs. Marie-Christine Saragosse, CEO of France Médias Monde.

CFI, a subsidiary of the France Médias Monde group (RFI, France24, Monte Carlo Doualiya) is the operator of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign  Affairs (MEAE) responsible for supporting the media throughout the world, mainly in Africa and the Arab world. Its work is part of France's official development assistance policy.

The new contract of agreed objectives was signed at Île St Denis on the occasion of the inauguration of the "Station Afrique", an open area for meetings and discussion dedicated to the African continent and set up for the Paris 2024 Games , in the presence of African sports journalists invited by CFI to cover the event.

This contract of agreed objectives is a continuation of the previous one and sets ambitious targets for CFI, particularly in four priority areas: the fight against disinformation, the defence of equality between men and women, environmental protection and the promotion of democracy and public involvement, particularly among young people.

"It is a great honour and an immense pleasure for CFI to sign this contract of agreed objectives with the Secretary of State in the presence of our African friends and partners, whose commitment to freedom of information inspires and challenges us."
Thierry Vallat
"The development of the media and the media for the purposes of development: this is the conviction that drives our actions and the remarkable work of CFI! This contract of agreed objectives confirms and strengthens the French government's support for CFI, a key player in the policy of international partnerships that France is implementing around the world"
Chrysoula Zacharopoulou
Secretary of State to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, with responsibility for Development and International Partnerships

Read the testimonials

Mme Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, secrétaire d’État auprès du ministre de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères, chargée du développement et des partenariats internationaux
Mrs. Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Secretary of State to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, with responsibility for Development and International Partnerships (Photo © Jean Fradet)
Marie-Christine Saragosse Directrice générale de Radio France internationale
Mrs. Marie-Christine Saragosse, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of France Médias Monde (Photo © Jean Fradet)
M. Thierry Vallat, PDG de Canal France International (CFI)
Mr. Thierry Vallat, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Canal France International (CFI) (Photo © Jean Fradet)

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