Local and regional journalism: global media training session in Tunisia

Local and regional journalism: global media training session in Tunisia

CFI and the African Centre for the Training of Journalists and Communicators (CAPJC) are about to conclude their training programme leading to a qualification in local and regional journalism. The final session, which is being held in Tunis from 14 to 20 December, focuses on the global media.

The five-month training programme on local and regional journalism was launched in Tunis back in August, and has enabled 12 journalists operating in various forms of local media to hone their skills by participating in five sessions each led by a French expert and Tunisian journalists.

These monthly sessions, each lasting one week, have been held in Tunis, Tabarka, Sfax and Mahdia. The participants were first given a recap on the fundamental principles of local and regional journalism, and have since strengthened their knowledge on the processing of sources, local reporting and investigative journalism.

To show that they have acquired a fundamental grounding in local and regional journalism and have mastered the various stages involved in gathering and processing local news, the participants will take a written test and then have a one-to-one interview.
At the end of the training course, the graduates will be issued with a CAPJC/CFI/ESJ Pro Journalism Passport qualification.

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