Improved monitoring and evaluation within MediaSahel project team
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MediaSahelMonitoring and evaluation training initially scheduled for March 2020 was provided to MediaSahel’s regional team and the project partners between 7 and 16 December 2020. This training provided them with the resources they need to manage every facet of the project more effectively.
Monitoring and evaluation are key to project management as they make it easier to identify how effective certain actions are and to pinpoint potential improvements. This training has enabled each team member to see how accountable they are with respect to the project’s immediate beneficiaries and sponsors.
The workshop was designed to be fun and interactive and included a role-play component that improved everybody’s understanding of the overall expectations and how each member of the team ought to contribute.
The team identified priority criteria and a series of factors for monitoring so that it would be possible to quantify and highlight the skills gained by the partner radio stations as a result of the training. For example, criteria such as balanced viewpoints, sticking to the facts, or reviews and feedback will be used to assess the extent to which the principle of impartiality has been applied when producing and recording a programme.
The discussions led to the sharing of ideas, advice and good practices to exploit in order to make the project more efficient. Having taken everyone’s recommendations on board, the use of data visualisation and the involvement of young people in the evaluation process are among the new relevant measures that will be considered.
The training continued on 14, 15 and 16 December 2020 with representatives of partner radio stations, the trainer team and the Jeunes Wakat (Youth time) editorial team.
Everybody who plays a key role in the MediaSahel project now possesses the tools to more effectively understand the challenges posed by project monitoring and evaluation.