Fact-checking training to fight misinformation in the Western Balkans

Fact-checking training to fight misinformation in the Western Balkans

From 2 to 20 December 2023, journalists from six media outlets in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Montenegro received training on how to make better use of content verification tools and techniques.

I mastered techniques I hadn't heard of before [...] It was very interesting and beneficial [...] We were made aware of many tools that will benefit our future investigations [...]
The workshops held back to back in Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro received unanimously positive feedback from participants.


These training sessions, which were delivered by an expert in journalism and online investigation techniques, enabled participants to make better use of the most advanced tools and techniques for verifying online and social media content and information uncovered as part of an online investigation. The programme entailed modules covering a variety of topics including how to fact check photos and videos, how to use satellite images to verify information and how to use advanced Google search functions to facilitate journalistic work. /p>

Each workshop was tailored to the most pressing needs of the individual participants. The beneficiary media outlets will receive supplementary training in the coming months to help fight misinformation in the region.


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