Fact checking, Focusing on Fake news related to Coronavirus and Refugees: The Advanced Level

Fact checking, Focusing on Fake news related to Coronavirus and Refugees: The Advanced Level

This training, held in May 2021, focused on providing journalists with the necessary tools for detecting fake news and reporting it.

A number of Jordanian and Syrian journalists have been trained on the most prominent advanced fact checking tools through which false news can be monitored. This training session was presented by Dr. Moath al-Thaher, CEO of Fatabyyano, a platform for fake news reporting.

The workshop was part of Qudra 2 programme, a regional initiative co-funded by the European Union, through the European Regional Trust Fund in Syria, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID).

qudra2 mai21

#EUMadadFund#BMZ#EUinJordan#AECID#QudraProgramme #Resilience

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