Editorial management: choosing the right angles and content

Editorial management: choosing the right angles and content

A workshop for further training in editorial management was held for the beneficiaries of the EcoMedia project from 31 January to 5 February 2019 in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso).

The reflection encouraged during the opening seminar continued throughout the five days of this session for further training in team management, which brought together editorial managers (department heads and editors-in-chief) and journalists from Burkinan media outlets.

The training addressed a wide range of topics, from content selection, handling of content and editorial management to the accessibility of financial data, with a view to meeting the expectations of the listeners, viewers or readers of these media outlets.

The five days were also an opportunity for our 30 beneficiaries to consider angles, documented by quality sources. Each media outlet left with a list of subjects and angles which will be tackled in the coming months.

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