Burkina Faso develops its second National Action Plan

Burkina Faso develops its second National Action Plan

When joining the OGP in 2016, Burkina Faso committed to developing biennial National Action Plans (NAP) in which specific pledges to promote ambitious open government reform would be set out.

In July 2019, for the first phase of the NAP, the open government support programme in francophone developing countries, PAGOF, therefore began by enlisting the aid of a Tunisian expert, who trained 15 individuals from authorities and across civil society, to hold public consultation workshops designed to make it easier for citizens to actively participate in the process of defining open government-related commitments.

In September 2019, PAGOF then assisted the holding of 13 public consultations throughout Burkina Faso and funded a television and radio communication campaign in local languages to spread the word about the Open Government Partnership and upcoming consultations among the Burkinabe population.

In total, more than 400 people participated in this co-creation process.

Burkina Faso must now decide which of the issues raised during the consultations are the most pressing and begin drafting the commitments of its new NAP.

Feel free to check out our latest animated video if you would like to know more about how a NAP is developed:

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