Ama Baad: a platform to help journalists cover the pandemic
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Ama Baad 2Ama Baad has been providing online resources to Arabic-speaking journalists for almost a year now, to help them understand the consequences of the pandemic more effectively. A dedicated platform will be launched on 12 May 2021 in order to capitalise on these shared experiences.
Given the global health crisis and its extraordinary circumstances, the “Ama Baad discussions” that have been organised online since July 2020 offer journalists from 12 Arab countries a space to discuss and consider crucial, sustainable development-related issues on the subject of health, the environment, the economy and human rights. The representation of women, who have become vulnerable as a result of the pandemic, is an area that is given particular attention and a third of the debates focus on gender equality issues.
All of these resources are gathered on Ama Baad platform which was created and developed by the teams at Daraj with the support of CFI in collaboration with Barr al Aman. The platform also features content produced by Barr al Aman that aims to “popularise” recent scientific research, particularly in human and social sciences. Lastly, it gathers the profiles of every expert and journalist who has taken part in the Ama Baad discussions, in order to help them to network better. New content will be continually added to the platform.