Adel Alimi: young people, a wall against disinformation
A media and information trainer and facilitator through and through, Tunisian Adel Alimi, 50, is producing videos with and for young people to combat superstition and disinformation. The first episode focuses on a traditional practice that feeds on rumour.
Profile by Emmanuel de Solère Stintzy.
“Hi Hakim!”
“Hi Fahima, what’s new today?”
“Have you ever heard of Tasfih?” Two young people talk about “sealing”. The scene is set. The audience, intrigued, wants to find out what happens next. After some rhythmic music, Hakim asks Fahima if she is talking about “sealing steel plates onto an armoured vehicle. Are we at war?” At war, yes. But against a traditional practice consisting of cutting the knees of young girls, supposedly to protect them against sexual assault and preserve their virginity...
After contacting a doctor, Fahima and Hakim conclude by turning to face the camera in a direct address to young people: “Check the information! Chinese whispers and Tasfih will lead you down a hazardous path!”
Produced with support from Samsa Africa, this impactful and educational video, in Tunisian Arabic with French subtitles, lasts for just 2 mins 30 secs. Other short videos are set to follow soon. “The French name of this series is ‘Sur le mur’ (On the wall), because if we are unable to check a piece of information, or if it is toxic, it mustn’t be allowed to pass through the wall!” summarises Adel Alimi, creator of the concept.
His colleague, Chedlia Abdallah, who met him at the Institut supérieur de l'animation pour la jeunesse et la culture de Tunis (Higher Institute for Youth and Cultural Development in Tunis) and was part of this project, adds: “Adel listens to other people’s ideas. He applies this same attitude to his role as director of our excursion and tourism centre for young people in Gafsa. Even at university, he ran music and IT clubs with a participatory and dynamic approach.”

From young people for young people
Adel Alimi has been a facilitator through and through for over 20 years. Holder of a master’s degree in “youth mentoring and cultural management” and a training diploma in media and information education, his passion first developed during his childhood, with a father in the national guard meaning relocations more or less every year.
As his brother, Imed, remembers: “Our family took part in sports activities and theatre festivals in the youth clubs, associations and centres in host towns. We even created a cinema club and music group. Even today, Adel has a small studio in Gafsa. He does what he can (music, content creation) to ensure that young people are not left on their own.”
In Gafsa, Adel Alimi is also president of Tunisie Bondy Blog, whose YouTube channel, Tunisiebb, provides its almost 4000 subscribers with educational videos produced as part of CFI’s Intajat Jadida project.
“Knowledge is more acceptable when it is given to young people by young people. We want them to check their information sources and understand how social media works, so they can actively contribute to building their Tunisia. I feel alive when I am with them!” says Adel passionately, himself a young man of just twice 25 years old.