Wafa Dahmani : being a journalist requires some courage
In June 2019, the MediaLab Campus project awarded internship grants to ten female students and five male students studying journalism in schools across Europe and the Mediterranean and looking to undertake an internship in a foreign media outlet over the summer. Wafa Dahmani, student at IPSI, in Tunisia, is in training at Inmagazine Oline, in Alexadria, Egypt, in July / August 2019.
"I come from Sidi Bouzid, a small town in southern Tunisia, from a modest-income family that does not allow me to face different internship fees in a foreign media, housing, transportation, etc. This situation unfortunately deprives me of ideal working conditions and undermines my chances of success.
But fortunately and thanks to Medialab Campus I was chosen as a beneficiary of an internship scholarship in a foreign media. This scholarship allowed me to implement my skills and my practical knowledge in an international context in better conditions.
"This is an extraordinary opportunity. For me, being a journalist requires some courage. The courage to tell the truth, the courage to unveil reality, the courage to break free from a pseudo security, the courage to give the best to people, the courage to think, the courage to say."

"That's why I want to be a journalist; to open eyes about this world which is anything but a utopia because yes people die in it, others save lives, and misery, and diseases exist. I chose this internship to develop my skills and my professional knowledge in the sector of "Cross Media Journalism", and to develop my international contacts. This internship is much more than a work experience, it's an experience in a multicultural environment where you can discover the traditions of Egyptian society and Egyptian interests.
My internship is going very well, I achieved two projects from A to Z with the help of a single photographer, the first on a very famous story: Raya and Skina, Egyptian female serial killers. They began killing women in the Laban district of Alexandria in early 1920, the second in the tourist areas of Alexandria Mosque Abu al-Abbas al-Mursi and Bahary.
I wish good luck to the other trainees. The greatest chance in life is to believe in oneself."