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Raising media awareness among Burkina Faso's young people through the press cartoon
News 31.12.2019

Raising media awareness among Burkina Faso's young people through the press cartoon

In addition to the consultation workshop that brought together actors and partners of the MédiaSahel project in..., développer l’esprit critique des jeunes vis-à-vis des médias
News 13.11.2020, helping young people to develop critical thinking skills with regard to the media

The regional multilingual media and information education platform TALMIL went live on the internet on Tuesday, 10...
Tools to raise awareness of media and information among young people from the Balkans
News 07.01.2021

Tools to raise awareness of media and information among young people from the Balkans

Fifteen professionals reaped the rewards of an online training course held on 12/13 November 2020, the purpose of...
UN Secretary-General: Freedom of Information and Media Needed For New UN Global Development Goals
News 23.02.2015

UN Secretary-General: Freedom of Information and Media Needed For New UN Global Development Goals

Brussels, December 4, 2014 – The Global Forum for Media Development welcomed UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon's...
Media and young people: a love-hate relationship?
News 14.03.2017

Media and young people: a love-hate relationship?

Media and young people: a love-hate relationship?
Abidjan: the first media innovation marathon
News 07.05.2015

Abidjan: the first media innovation marathon

The first "hackathon" (media innovation marathon) under the #AfriqueInnovation programme launched by CFI and Code...
Radio Mampita, a media organisation for farming communities in Madagascar
News 05.04.2018

Radio Mampita, a media organisation for farming communities in Madagascar

"1 day in my media organisation" is a series of reports, which, each week, gives an account of the daily lives of...
Ateliers sur le "fact-checking" en Jordanie et au Liban
News 06.07.2020

Workshops on "Fact-Checking" in Jordan and Lebanon

Withn the framework on the Qudra 2 programme, CFI organized two online workshops on 18-22 April and 15-19 June...
UN Secretary-General: Freedom of Information and Media Needed For New UN Global Development Goals
News 25.11.2014

UN Secretary-General: Freedom of Information and Media Needed For New UN Global Development Goals

Brussels, December 4, 2014 – The Global Forum for Media Development welcomed UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon's...