Nibras Al Mamoury

Nibras Al Mamoury, the voice of Irakian journalists

Episode #8 of Correspondances, podcast of the newsmakers.

Nibras Al Mamory was born in Iraq in the 1970s. This 47-year-old political journalist and mother of three children is one of the figures of the Iraqi media landscape. She made a name for herself in the mid-2000s by presenting political programmes on several channels in the country and later became head of media relations with the head of parliament in Baghdad.

But even before becoming a journalist, Nibras Al Mamory was a feminist. In 2011, she founded the Iraqi Journalists' Forum, an organisation that supports women's rights and their place in the media. From her debut as a journalist in 1992, at the end of the Gulf War, until her return to the field in 2019 to follow the demonstrators who will obtain the resignation of Prime Minister Abdel-Mehdi, Nibras Al Mamory looks back on almost 30 years spent in the service of news in her country.

Correspondances, the newsmakers' podcast, highlights the women and men who, all over the world, are committed to informing their fellow human beings.

→ Listen to episode #8


Audio file
Correspondances #8 - Nibras Al Mamoury, the voice of Irakian journalists