Syria: training journalists from the Al-Shareh collective
As part of its programme of assistance for Syrian media, CFI is supporting the initiatives of journalists whose goal is to provide independent high-quality news to the Syrian population, particularly via the Al-Shareh collective.
This small Syrian news agency has been filming and recording events since the outbreak of the conflict, with a focus on personal stories, urban culture and the socio-economic realities of living in the country.
In 2013, the members of Al-Shareh (Arabic for "The Street") received occupational training in video journalism as well as training in media business management.
From 24 February to 8 March 2014, CFI will be organising a new training course for Al‑Shareh journalists with prior experience of professional editing. Covering both theory and practice, the course will focus on improving editing skills and overseeing the final stages of post-production.
It will be based on four films currently in the course of being edited, three of which were written at a course on documentary film-making last June.
Produced in cooperation with CFI, these films will be screened at a festival organised by Al‑Shareh in three Syrian towns from 15-18 March.