Rap news phenomenon starting to take off!

Rap news phenomenon starting to take off!

The concept of "rap news bulletins" devised by a Senegalese blogger has now spread to several channels around the world, including in Vietnam thanks to the 4M label.

At the 4M Meetings of June 2013, which were hosted by CFI in Montpellier, the cyber-activist and blogger Cheikh Fall unveiled, during a workshop focusing on the production of innovative news programmes, the original idea of JTRappé, or "rap news bulletins", which had already proved a major hit in Senegal.
The concept particularly aroused the interest of the Chief Editor of the news agency Vietnam+ , who was present in the room. Upon returning to Hanoi, he launched a rap video news bulletin called "Rapnews+" on the agency's website.

The first edition, which was released in late 2013, attracted a million hits and was reported by several international newspapers.
New editions are now released every two weeks, and often attract tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of hits.

Through its 4M label, CFI is committed to spreading online journalism ideas and initiatives amongst the different media outlets in developing countries, and this "rap news" phenomenon is a perfect example of how successful initiatives can be shared around the world.

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