Niger: CFI supports ORTN’s strategic planning
Niger TV Directors have identified two issues of top priority for the ORTN's future: the switch to digital and the future of public service in an increasingly competitive sector.
They asked CFI for support in the form of expert knowledge and framing their approach.
15 top directors from the state TV channel met up for a 2 1/2-day brainstorming session on strategy from 8 to 11 July 2012 along with two government officials and trade union officials. The meeting took place at a venue far removed from Niamey and the frantic pace of daily work at the TV broadcasting centre, in the gorges hollowed out by the river Tapoa at the entrance to the "W" Regional Park in south Niger.
CFI responded to the ORTN's request for support by sending out three experts: Xavier de Donceel, business strategy and marketing consultant, Bernard Broyet, former HRD at France 3 and Patrick Gabet, Chief Editor at France Télévisions. They provided the ORTN professionals with the quirky view of European counterparts having already faced up to such issues.
The following topics made it to the agenda:
How management techniques can contribute?
How to shore up middle management to handle staff on an everyday basis?
How to shore up support functions?
And on a more general level:
how to switch from being a state TV to a public service TV and resources to be used ?
The ORTN hopes to have implemented the strategic plan to be drafted after the seminar by 2013.
Helping its partners to gear up for the future and rise to developments on the TV scene is one of CFI's priorities.