Myanmar’s journalists are training to cover the forthcoming elections
As a partner of the Myanmar Journalism Institute (MJI), the brand new Burmese journalism school, CFI has just entrusted the journalist François Gerles with leading a series of training sessions in journalism during the election period, from 9 February to 11 April 2015. He will be accompanied by Burmese co-trainers whose development is ongoing.
Legislative elections are due to be held in Myanmar at the end of October 2015.
This scrutiny is essential for the country, which is involved in a process of democratic transition.
The aim of the seven training sessions organised by the
MJI is to provide these journalists with the tools necessary for impartial, honest and fair coverage of this election.
They are aimed at journalists from Rangoon, Mandalay and more remote areas, which are often subject to instability. Among the subjects dealt with will be: the rights and obligations of journalists, ethical principles, the legal framework, the electoral process itself, preparation of the editorial team, the activities of the political parties, voters' expectations, minority voices, diversity of sources, the emergence of social networks and questions of security.