Dunia: Journalism and the climate emergency
The climate emergency is currently one of the most important global issues. And Africa is the continent that is most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Local media have a key role to play in the response to climate change. CFI is launching the Dunia project (lasting 18 months) with the aim of helping to increase the coverage of the issues and consequences of climate change in East Africa via the media.
The climate emergency is currently one of the most important global issues. And Africa is the continent that is most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Local media have a key role to play in the response to climate change. They have a responsibility to inform the general public of its causes, relay existing solutions and adaptation opportunities as well as to monitor public policies implemented at local, national and international level.
However, these issues are still all too often under-explored and given little visibility on the media's editorial agenda.
There are numerous causes for this disaffection: lack of training and knowledge of journalists on these subjects, difficulty in accessing sources, lack of willingness and means to grasp the transverse nature of this topic, an alarmist coverage of the subject that fosters feelings of fear and catastrophe.
Within this context, CFI is launching the Dunia project (lasting 18 months) with the aim of helping to increase the coverage of the issues and consequences of climate change in East Africa via the media.
This project will be implemented by CFI, the French media development agency, which actively promotes the development of the media in Africa, the Arab world and South-East Asia. The project is part of CFI's Media & Development programme, which seeks to encourage media organisations in the Global South to take up development issues, by strengthening the relationship of trust between journalists and civil society.
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8 p.m. (GMT) on 24 November 2019