CFI’s 2014 activity report – digital version!
From 2009 to 2014, CFI has progressively focused its human and financial resources on media expertise, drawing on its knowledge of the field in sub-Saharan Africa and southeast Asia and the momentum generated by the Arab Spring in countries around the Mediterranean.
In 2009, CFI devoted 950 days of expertise to the media in the South, this figure increasing to 2300 in 2013. In accordance with the expectations set in its contract of agreed objectives, CFI is now the benchmark operator in terms of support for development and democratisation in this crucial sector.
A second phase has led CFI to bring its operating methods more into line with the expectations of the principal multi-lateral sponsors. From now on, the French media cooperation agency will be promoting long-term (6 to 36 months) structuring projects because any successful transfer of expertise involves a commitment to investing time on shared objectives with the beneficiary media. In 2014, around thirty projects were implemented, benefiting professionals in some twenty countries, although several regional projects are expanding French cooperation's zone of influence to approximately 35 countries.