Call for applications: Radio journalism expert / self-employed individual

Call for applications: Radio journalism expert / self-employed individual

CFI is seeking for a Radio journalism expert (consultant, self-employed) for a project in Jordan.

In the frame of the Jordanian Democratic institutions & Development ("EU JDID") project implemented by ECES, of which it is a consortium member, CFI - the French media cooperation agency mainly funded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development - will implement the following activities:

  • Support to the production of radio programs
  • Political journalism trainings
  • Members of the Parliament media trainings
  • A conference on social media and politics

In the frame of this project, CFI is seeking for a Radio journalism expert (consultant, self-employed), in order to provide the services detailed below.

Objectives of the mission

The Radio journalism expert will contribute to supporting the production and broadcast of two series one hour radio programs. The objective of this support will be to enhance the knowledge of the Jordanians about their Parliament, raise awareness regarding the role of MPs as citizens' representatives.
Two calls for applications opened to radio stations broadcasting legally in Jordan will be organized to select the radio station(s) that will produce and broadcast these programs.
Expected results are the following:

  • An improved coverage of the Parliament's activities by the Jordanian Media
  • A greater accountability of the Jordanian MP's through a better interactin with the citizen
  • The citizens will feel closer to the Parliament and the MP's and encouraged to vote during the next elections.

Functional links

The Radio journalism expert works closely with the project's local stakeholders:

  • Other CFI experts on the project: Senior political Journalism expert, Local project coordinator
  • CFI partners on EU JDID project
  • Jordanian media

She/He reports to CFI Paris headquarters, the contractor.

Expected performances

1)Call for proposal

  • Define selection criteria and draft a call for proposal for the two series of programs
  • Contribute to the call dissemination by contacting Jordanian radios and encourage them to apply

2)Participation to the selection of the two calls' laureate programs

3)Support to laureate radios

  • Editorial support to the production teams
  • Production follow-up

4)Assessment and reporting

  • Draft activity reports
  • Assess participants' productions, as part of project impact monitoring and evaluation

5)Consultation and coordination and with other experts involved in the project


  • At least 10 years of political news coverage in Jordan.
  • Proven experience of training in the field of radio journalism (interactive programs thematic programs production),
  • Experience of international donor-funded projects.

Language proficiency:

Arabic: native
English: full professional proficiency

Applications (CV + cover letter + daily fees expectations) may be addressed to the following address until March 2nd

Terms of Reference

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