4M Machrek: Fourth incubator session in Beirut
Related project
4M Mashreq
#4M Machrek keeps up its momentum in Beirut. Six out of the ten project teams selected at the beginning of 2014 were present for this session between 8 and 13 September.
On the agenda: business models, the drafting of funding application documents, budgets, executive summaries, etc.
A busy but productive week for the participants, who this time have come from Lebanon, Syria and Iraq.
Providing the training were Julien Le Bot, a journalist and the founder of the
Yakwala news platform, Thomas Plessis of Screenso, and Jazem Halioui, the Ebticar prize-winner for his project INNOVA Tunisia.
keynote speeches and personalised individual workshops, the participants met at the premises of AltCity, an incubator of Lebanese start-ups.
The final session will take place in October, just before the 4M Beirut Forum, which has been organised by CFI for 17 to 19 October 2014 and will bring together 150 regional and international new media professionals.
#4M Machrek is organised by CFI in partnership with AltCity (organisation facilitating and supporting entrepreneurship and innovation in Lebanon) and Skeyes (Samir Kassir Foundation), and with the support of the Institut Français of Beirut.
oview8 videos about 4M Beyruth.
For more information on the 4M project: