4M keeps the ball rolling in Algiers!
Over 20 journalists from the major Algerian pure players will gather in Algiers from the 28 to 30 June 2013 for a 4M workshop.
The goal of this coming 4M workshop is to support the development of the online press in Algeria.
It is aimed at journalists from
Algérie Focus, Maghreb émergent and NessNews , the site of the Envoyés Spéciaux Algériens .
The programme revolves around four main themes:
- Economic organisation.
- Technical development and innovation.
- Structural and professional evolution.
- Social networks at the service of journalism.
Each theme will be explored principally through exchange between participants and led by both French and Algerian experts
The main objective is to provide practical advice, which can be implemented upon return to the different editorial teams.
This workshop will also help to evaluate the professional needs of the participants and subsequently set up training operations within the editorial teams in the coming months.
It has been set up as part of the 4M programme backing the development of online news media, lending support to the professionalization of editorial teams and aiding in the establishment of networks facilitating "North-South" and "South-South" cooperation.