4M Beirut Forum 2014 | ONLINE MEDIA AND JOURNALISM IN THE ARAB WORLD: risks, practices and economies
Related project
4M Mashreq
17, 18 and 19 October 2014
How are online media changing the very foundations of news production and broadcasting in the Arab world?
What impact are they having on the public debate?
At a time when life in the Arab world is becoming more turbulent than ever, the 4M forum in Beirut from 17 to 19 October will analyse the role and place of online media in this complex and highly charged context: how are online media changing the very foundations of news production and broadcasting in the Arab world? What impact are they having on the public debate?
At the forum, more than 150 stakeholders from Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria and Tunisia will therefore have the opportunity to discuss the practices, new tools, ideas and innovations that they are implementing as part of their everyday activities and to describe the changes that are occurring in the region, in particular the increasing power of citizen journalists.
Participants' discussions will focus on 3 main themes:
- New media or the
redefinition of the media scene in society in the Arab world
Innovation in terms of production of web based content and the new tools available to journalists
Media enterprise and economy in the Arab world.
4M Beirut picks up the baton from CFI's various ongoing projects supporting online media in the Arab world, such as EBTICAR and 4M Mashreq.