Imane Rhati: journalism helped me overcome my shyness
In June 2019, the MediaLab Campus project awarded internship grants to ten female students and five male students studying journalism in schools across Europe and the Mediterranean and looking to undertake an internship in a foreign media outlet over the summer. Imane Rhati, student at the ISIC, in Morocco, is in training at MCD, in Paris, France, in August 2019.
"What if I told you that my dream was not to become a journalist but a doctor? Journalism was not something I knew about when I was little, but I was familiar with curiosity. Being curious is the common quality to all types of journalism, that's why I became a journalist today and not a doctor.
We must be curious about the world around us, curious about places and people we do not know, and especially somewhat obscure situations that we need to clarify. With this kind of curiosity, everything is possible. Although I was curious, I had a small problem: I was shy, a little too shy, but journalism helped me overcome this obstacle.
I used to dream about conducting an internship at MCD and going live with major journalists, it all became a reality thanks to the Medialab Campus grant. I had the opportunity to meet people I heard in my room every day.
I heard about this scholarship through my school, ISIC, so I decided to apply with enthusiasm and hope, and here I am writing this from Paris.
It is a totally different experience than the one I had in my country. The experience is not just confined to the professional level but also at the life and the city level. I wanted to say one more thing to the other trainees, you must do your best and enjoy every moment of your internship, dare to ask questions to others, find your weak points in your journalistic career and try to consolidate them."