Data journalism training for media organizations in ASEAN countries
Related project
4M AsiaThis programme is part of a CFI project called 4M Asia, which aims to develop new skills on the part of media stakeholders to promote new journalistic forms allowing broader expression of the diversity of opinion within society.
The aim of this call for applications is to select 12 medias organizations from ASEAN countries, and for each of them, support the realization of a data-driven project (article/data story, data visualization or other interactive), through a workshop and training programme taking place between May and October 2017. After the end of this programme, you must have set up at least one digital project, attract new public (widen the target audience) with data driven articles and increase your audience using data visualization.
Schedule and key dates
Launch date: 07 February 2017
Online platform application deadline: 22 March 2017 (1pm GMT, no extension)
Announcement of selected candidates: 4 April 2017
- First workshop: How to kickstart a data journalism project
How do you collect, find and understand data? This first workshop will tackle basic data journalism techniques and teach you how to launch a data-driven project in your newsroom.
Date: beginning of May 2017(5 days).
Location: Phnom Penh (Cambodia).
- Second workshop: How to bring a project to life with data visualization and interactives
Acquire the skills to create data visualizations and other data-driven interactives and apply them to your own project.
Date: beginning of July 2017 (5 days)
Location: Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
- Third workshop: How to future-proof a data journalism project
Tackle subjects such as monetization, viability and community interaction to ensure your project is impactful and sustainable in the long term.
Date: mid-October 2017 (5 days)
Location: Manila (Philippines)
Please note that these dates are provisional. CFI reserves the possibility to modify this schedule on the basis of received applications.
Who can apply?
- Media organizations based in ASEAN countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam.
- Applicants who are fluent in English (although the project itself can be realized in your local language).
- Applicants of all levels in data journalism.
Why should I apply?
- This programme is a great opportunity for your media organization to gain new skills in every aspects of data journalism
- By the end of the three workshops, you will achieve a data journalism project from start to finish with help from international experts
- Your staff will get to meet other journalists from various countries in Asean countries and learn from their experiences
- Submitting a project and taking part in the programme is free, so why not giving it a try?
Assessment criteria
- Editorial relevance (50/100):
We are looking for data journalism projects which tackle a topical issue in a pertinent and innovative way, which bring a new angle to issues related to communities, people's rights and freedom and potentially bring positive outlook on the matter. Tackling a topic of public interest which could achieve political (democracy, reforms) social, environmental or economical impact or issues is also a plus.
- Potential for innovation (20/100):
We will select projects which use new innovative techniques in terms of data journalism, whether that shows in the level of interactivity of the end-product itself, the technology used to make it happen or any other ideas.
Note that knowing what end product or types of visualizations you will create for this project is not compulsory to apply for this project, but can help the jury a great deal during the selection process. If you don't have the knowledge yet to fully grasp how innovative your project could be, give us as many ideas as you can and if your application is shortlisted.
- Openness (30/100):
We will put special emphasis on projects which use open data or make data open, publish their data under open licenses via an interactive platform or show a high level of transparency and engagement with a community. We are looking for projects which empower their audience by giving access to information or data otherwise unattainable. If you have in mind to make a project that could hold the powerfuls accountable, we want to hear from you!
Also, if your project end up being either an interactive data visualization, a mobile application or any other type of interactive products, we will encourage you to publish your work via an open licence or API.