Aleppo Media Center set to launch its radio station in northern Syria
Related project
The Syrian media incubatorAt the end of December 2015, Radio Aleppo Media Center will broadcast over the FM airwaves in the cities of Aleppo, Idlib and Hama .
Since 2012, the Aleppo Media Center, which has permanently brought together around twenty journalists based in Syria, has been providing continuous news coverage of the latest events affecting the region, with articles, photographs and videos being published on its website and on social media.
Thanks to the support that it has received from the Syrian Media Incubator in Gaziantep (Turkey), the Center is now seeking to bring a new project to fruition: setting up a local radio station in Aleppo, which will be broadcast for two hours every day on the FM 99.00 frequency, and around 15 hours per day on the Internet.
Over the course of 2015, the Incubator has given several training courses in radio and video to the journalists at the Aleppo Media Center. In November, it contributed towards the purchase of equipment for the studio and helped set the studio up, and also trained the team on how to use it.
In December, two members of the Center also received 'trainer training', which will allow them in turn to train citizen-journalists in Syria itself.
Aleppo Media Centre Radio Stationقريباً .. إذاعة مركز حلب الإعلامي ستبث على التردد ٩٩.٠ من مدينة حلبALEPPO MEDIA CENTRE RADIO STATION! Will broadcast on the 99.0 FM frequencyfrom the city of Aleppo in the northern of Syria.Soon to be launched..AMC - مركز حلب الإعلامي#AMC #AMC_FM #SyrianMI #CFI CFImedias
Posté par Syrian Media Incubator I حاضنة الإعلام السوري sur jeudi 3 décembre 2015